My apologies for the long delay between posts but I have had a lot of projects at the house demanding my attention. I purchased a dock space this year instead of keeping it on the trailer. It is so much easier. The season at my local lake is May 1 through October 31 (all boats have to be off the water in the off season). I didn't get the boat in the water until July. My plans were to repaint the hull before putting it in but if I waited for that I would never get it in the water. The paint job will have to wait even though as you can see she is in desperate need.

I also obtained an outboard. I had an old 3.5HP Mercury but I twisted the carburator jet and broke it. Apparently this item is not stocked any more and I could not find a replacement. I found a 6HP Evinrude for $400 that runs great. It came w/ a separate gas tank but I felt it would take up too much room so I bolted on a lawnmower tank to the cover. this works great. The only time I need it is leaving the dock and coming back in so the 1/2 gallon of gas it holds is plenty.
I decided to put up a wind vane on the mast so I had to lower the mast and screw it on. This was a $15 item I found on Amazon (some of the windvanes are very expensive!). It screws onto the mast head and works great.
I have a slight leak somewhere. There is always a 1/2" of water in the bilge. This fall when I pull it out I will have to inspect the hull. My suspicion is that it is coming in via the keel pocket somewhere.
The next big project is to rehab the trailer. Now that the boat is off of it I will need to grind off the rust, replace all the rollers and probably put on new springs. I will chronicle all this over the next few entires.
Happy sailing,
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